
Change Desktop & Dock settings on Mac

On your Mac, change the appearance of the Dock, and choose settings for the desktop, Stage Manager, widgets, windows, and Mission Control.


Dashboard Preferences. To change the Dashboard keystroke to something other than F4 or F12, choose →System Preferences and then click Mission Control. Here ...

How to access Dashboard on Mac as an overlay

Go to the black Apple on the top left corner on your Mac; Select System Preferences > Mission Control; Select between “Off”, “as a Space” or “as an Overlay”.

How to use macOS system Dashboard

2018年9月12日 — Go to System Preferences > Mission Control. Click the Dashboard pop-up menu. Here it gives you options for how Dashboard appears: As Space ...

How to use the Dashboard on your MAC OS Computer

On your MAC keyboard, press the F4 key at the top of the keyboard to open the Dashboard. · The Dashboard provides access to several mini-applications that come ...

Mac新手入門教學:運用Dashboard Widget,讓你工作更有 ...

2017年4月29日 — 「作為覆疊」,就是直接把小工具蓋在桌面上。 △ 作為Space 的Dashboard 介面. 當「Dashboard」設定為「作為Space」模式時 ...

「教學」在macOS 上停用Dashboard 儀表板

不過此時筆者也發現Dashboard 是無法像一般程式一樣被關閉的,反而變成一個預設的桌面空間。 從系統偏好設定關閉Dashboard. 不過方法還是有的,首先到系統偏好設定,點 ...


OnyourMac,changetheappearanceoftheDock,andchoosesettingsforthedesktop,StageManager,widgets,windows,andMissionControl.,DashboardPreferences.TochangetheDashboardkeystroketosomethingotherthanF4orF12,choose→SystemPreferencesandthenclickMissionControl.Here ...,GototheblackAppleonthetopleftcorneronyourMac;SelectSystemPreferences>MissionControl;Selectbetween“Off”,“asaSpace”or“asanOverlay”.,2018年9...